The clean city
Far away from the congested city street vehicle
Far away from the congestion
But now
What ?
Everything have changed
Now you're nothing more than a city full of noise
Jams everywhere
Garbage strewn
Where are the people who we have chosen
People that we choose as leaders
We choose to build this city for the better
Promises before they launched just a nonsense
Without a trace
Such as sugarcane are scattered everywhere
No longer know the wind will bring
Now depends on ourselves
Are We want to continue with the noise city
Or We want to turn it into a better city
By : Haekal Yanuarsyah Ibaadillah
Terima kasih,, puisi ini aku buat sendiri dan bercerita tentang perubahan kota Pontianak yg dulu jauh dari kebisingan,kemacetan kini semua berubah ketika negara api menyerang,,eits kok jadi cerita avatar nih ? hahaha ^^v .Sedikit ada unsur paksaan sih dalam pembuatan puisi ini tapi over all murni karya aku sendiri .
hahaha :) ,,sebenarnya puisi ini untuk melengkapi tugas terstuktur perkuliahan yang aku jalani.. Maap puisi ini banyak kekurangan, semoga bermanfaat .
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